Helping people and writing
Part of my country southern charm is the desire to help people and make them smile. I've been searching my soul and taking inventory over the last few months about what direction I should take when I get serious about writing. I've decided to create an elixir of the things I like most and write about it.
- Music
- Writing
- Helping others
- Making people feel special
I've had a love for music ever since I was a child and my family would go to this establishment in
my little town called The Old South Jamboree. I saw some pretty impressive talents there back then.
Jerry Lee Lewis,
Ronnie Milsap,
Porter Wagoner and many others. I never did really gain much pleasure from sitting in front of a television set so music and reading were my pleasures. Of course since then my musical tastes have broadened a lot. As a result, I was getting really depressed about the lack of talent in
mainstream music across all genres. I've came into contact with numerous beginning, struggling, but very talented musicians in my social media contacts so what I decided was that I could include some of those people in some articles to do my fair share to support them. If only my writing skills were better and my readership was greater but no matter I get the same feeling of accomplishment.
The desire to write didn't present itself to me until I was in early adulthood. It never was what I considered to be of high caliber but I was always an excellent speller and was very knowledgeable about the
English language without much need for a spellchecker. Just like anything else it improves with practice. I haven't been very dedicated to it and I my goal is to improve on that. I have several different blogs here on so I can mix it up a little and see how I fare.
Helping people
I enjoy helping people so if I can make one person feel better by writing something positive about them I would be happy too. In effect, healing myself in the process of helping another suffering soul. There definitely is a
healing factor involved when we can lift another person up because we know what it's like to be down and full of self doubt. Having led most of my life with serious confidence issues I can relate to someone who has every other skill required but suffers some insecurity.
Feeling special
Everyone needs to feel special on occasion. Some people need it daily but I just need it very little. I used to lie to myself and say I didn't need that at all but when you take an honest inventory of yourself it reveals itself. It really doesn't require much effort to make someone feel special. We should all do that more in our lives, the world needs it.
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