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Showing posts from November, 2013

When in doubt, think it out. If that doesn't work, read this post

Coffee cup (Photo credit: @Doug88888 ) The coffee was fresh, the house was silent, it was time to write. Almost time. After the obligatory cigarette and a surprise visit from Tipsy the Calico, I traipse on over to the kitchen table, take my place behind the keyboard and prepare to bang away at the keys in the hopes that my words form enough logic to prevent frustration from setting in. I reason out a few words and delete them shortly after. It becomes apparent that I need a little inspiration. A push in the write direction. I stare straight through the monitor hoping for something to burst forth. Nothing but random incoherent distractions. Damn! Nothing! I'm in the mood to create something and I will, even if it's crap. Peter Mark Roget (Roget's Thesaurus) (Photo credit: dullhunk ) I pull up my favorite  search engine  and begin my search for something to help me feel like a real creative word crafter type person. When I first considered writing on the web...